If you understand this
you will be understood here.
Highly sensitive – Aspie – Synesthete – Highly creative?
Just different?
Just unique!
Anything but "mainstream"!
Here, you’ll finally be understood.
Exchange on equal footing—no censoring!
Clever People – A Unique Community for
Exceptional Intelligence and Neurodiversity!
The Unique Community for Exceptional Intelligence and Neurodiversity
Here, we get you!
Clever People—the ideal community for exceptional intelligence and neurodiversity—is more than an agency for dating or casual friendships for people with exceptional intelligence, high sensitivity, Asperger’s/autism, synesthesia, or high creativity. Here you can set specific search filters for specific interests and a wide variety of topics to find and get to know other neurodiverse-gifted adults or parents with children of exceptional intelligence. Converse with your peers and finally feel understood in how you’re "different". In addition, you can exchange information in various forums about all topics that interest you –in an appreciative setting, without censorship.
Clever People
Terms like “gifted” and “neurodiverse” have been loaded with judgments and misinformation for a long time. “Neurodiversity” includes characteristics such as exceptional intelligence, high sensitivity, ASD (Asperger’s/autism), high creativity, or synesthesia. Many neurodiverse-gifted people are also highly intelligent (IQ 120+). That's why I deliberately chose the name “Clever People” for my platform. Exceptionally intelligent people often trigger insecurity, fear or envy in others. This often means that highly gifted or neurodiverse-gifted people are marginalized or even discriminated against in society.