
Prejudice when dealing with giftedness—always a thing!

Prejudices in dealing with giftedness have been around for years. In my private practice for giftedness, I have been working very successfully since 2003 with quick-thinking children and adolescents and highly gifted adults in a wide variety of professional positions, whether specialists, executives, managers, or self-employed. Even then, I was always amazed at the prejudices […]

Prejudice when dealing with giftedness—always a thing! weiter »

Highly Gifted Children. A real challenge for parents

Highly gifted children are a real challenge for parents. Nowadays, parents who have highly intelligent children are often under a lot of pressure and are sometimes even made to feel insecure or discriminated against from many sides. They often already have a long ordeal under their belts when they finally learn through an intelligence test

Highly Gifted Children. A real challenge for parents weiter »

Hochbegabte Erwachsene im Berunfsleben

Highly gifted adults and career entry

Highly gifted adults entering professional life have special challenges… Carina Clever, 25 years old and a highly gifted adult entering professional life, finally has her state bar exam and her first employment contract in her pocket and is looking forward to her new job. Carina receives her first assignment immediately: proofreading an insurance contract that

Highly gifted adults and career entry weiter »

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