Hochbegabung Erwachsener

How did Clever People—The Platform for the Highly Gifted and Neurodiverse—come about?

How did Clever People—The Platform for the Highly Gifted and Neurodiverse—come about? In the course of my work with highly gifted and neurodiverse people in my private practice for giftedness, the idea for Clever People—The Community for the Highly Gifted and Neurodiverse—was born several years ago. Again and again I was asked by my highly

How did Clever People—The Platform for the Highly Gifted and Neurodiverse—come about? weiter »

Hochbegabte Erwachsene im Berunfsleben

Highly gifted adults and career entry

Highly gifted adults entering professional life have special challenges… Carina Clever, 25 years old and a highly gifted adult entering professional life, finally has her state bar exam and her first employment contract in her pocket and is looking forward to her new job. Carina receives her first assignment immediately: proofreading an insurance contract that

Highly gifted adults and career entry weiter »

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