Quality is:

Made by Dr. Joder.

Quality is no coincidence!

Clever People—The Network for Giftedness and Asperger’s/Autism—places great emphasis on real quality!

Nominated for 1st place at the GründerCup of the Kiel Region, 2019, a regional prize for the best startup concept.

Clear requirements for access

Access credentials are carefully and individually checked. No fake profils.

High transparency

Every highly gifted member uses their own name in the protected area. No aliases.

Guest Membership

You can test the community for one year to trial the site and strengthen your affiliation.

Minimum age

Highly gifted children under the age of 14 do not have access to the discussion forums for security reasons.

Clear rules of conduct

Every member agrees to adhere to the rules of conduct (code of values).

Immediate blocking

Immediate blocking of a highly gifted member in case of identifiable violation of the rules of conduct.


Protection of your privacy through the latest security standards and professional software experts working in the background.


Your data is hosted exclusively on a server in Kiel/Northern Germany, not abroad.

Data protection

All other data will only be stored offline on a stationary PC, not hidden on the network server.

Personal content

Only the content you decide to enter or publish will be published.

No advertising

No unsolicited advertising or selling your data to finance the Clever People network.

Clear price structure

Memberships do not contain hidden costs and are clearly priced.

Advertising your products or services is allowed

However, it must offer members real added value.
If you’re interested in joining our expert network, e.g. as a diagnostician, a coach for gifted people or a specialist for Asperger's-autism, please send us an email!

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